Inspired by…The Ocean!

I am missing the ocean. One touch from the resilient shore is like a dear old friend welcoming you back to an adventurous life.  Mundane routines don’t exist there; only the most precious things hold weight by the water. Thoughts run wild with the salty wind, love feels as warm as the sun, and life seems as endless as the sea. Yes, I am missing the ocean.

Because of this, I thought I would share some pictures that will whisk you away to places where only sweet love matters. And what place is more perfect for beach weddings than Newport? Newport Wedding Glam Newport Wedding Glam Newport Wedding Glam Newport Wedding Glam Newport Wedding Glam Newport Wedding Glam Newport Wedding Glam

Live in the sunshine, swim the sea, drink the wild air. -Ralph Waldo Emerson



  1. Stephanie Jude Ith says ///

    I am in the process of planning a summer wedding, so finding a spot to take the pictures is very important. The ocean is a great idea! Very inspiring!

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